Monday, April 6, 2015

Jay Z Relaunches Tidal with a Parade of Celebrity Artists Tidal states about 2.5 million songs. Even if you count conservatively, some songs are counted more than once because they appear on multiple albums, say 750,000 unique title/artist combinations. My own flac file collection is just shy of 1 TB and it is less than 3000 titles. There is no player out there that can hold anywhere near the files I have in my own personal collection, let alone all of the titles in the Tidal library. Also, the new Meridian format, MQA, will be available soon on Tidal which give even better then cd quality. Even at $29.99 a month that would be worth it as long as the number and types of titles available in MQA warrant that pay level. I want to thank Tidal and Jay Z for what they are attempting to do here. Even if all they accomplish is to raise the level of awareness of higher quality audio to the masses, along with My. Young and his PONO/music service, it was worth the exercise. Your avid supporter William Main

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tidal HIFI is now sounding great in Canada

If you have the data plan to handle it, has streaming FLAC files at 1411 kbps - Lossless which is the equivalent to an audio CD at 16 bit/44.1 khz. They do provide three levels of streaming however. Standard Quality, High Quality and HIFI. These stream as follows Standard quality: 96 kbps (AAC +) High quality: 320 kbps (AAC) HiFi: Flac 1411 kbps - Lossless (16/44.1 khz) I listen to standard quality when I am out and about on my cell phone. When I am in WIFI either on the phone or one of my other computers I listen using HIFI. The cost is $19.99/month CAD which is about double everyone else on the streaming game. For me it is worth the expense. You will have to decide that for yourself. There is a free 7 day trial.