I am not new to electronics. I've been interested since I was 10 years old. I've never worked professionally in electronics but I know more than the average person. I've built a number of Heathkits (am I showing my age?) and have been hacking arduinos since they first appeared. Before the arduino I did not have any real exposure to MCUs. I thought that it was time that I shared my learning with the community at large.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
FLET: A python GUI based on Flutter
I am always on the lookout for new (easier) ways to create GUIs for python. Recently I ran across the FLET. Also available on github.
Their description is
The fastest way to build Flutter apps in Python
Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required.
As an experiment I decided to create a simple login form.
import flet as ft
def main(page: ft.Page):
page.title = "Login"
page.window_height = 200
page.window_width = 500
page.window_always_on_top = True
def cancel_click(e):
def login_click(e):
if txt_user.value == "admin" and txt_pwd.value == "admin":
dlg.content = ft.Text("Login Successful")
dlg.content = ft.Text("Login failed")
dlg.modal = False
dlg.open = True
dlg = ft.AlertDialog(title=ft.Text("Login"), content=ft.Text("---"))
txt_user = ft.TextField(value = "", label="User ID")
txt_pwd = ft.TextField(value = "", password=True, can_reveal_password=True,
btn_cancel = ft.FilledButton(text="Cancel", on_click=cancel_click)
btn_login = ft.FilledButton(text="Login", on_click=login_click)
action_row = ft.Row(controls=[btn_cancel, btn_login])
page.add(txt_user, txt_pwd, action_row, dlg)
This results in the following window
A jupyter notebook is here.
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